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Project with Tests Setup

Supported Tests#

  1. Integration Tests
  2. Selenium Tests
  3. Playwright Tests
  4. Manual Tests

Integration Tests Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.TestAgent.NUnit or Drill4Net.TestAgent.XUnit in assembly with tests based on test framework used in your assembly with tests.

Selenium Tests Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.TestAgent.NUnit or Drill4Net.TestAgent.XUnit in assembly with tests based on test framework used in your assembly with tests.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Selenium in assembly with tests.
  3. Add SeleniumPatcher.Patch() extention method call. Example:
var driver = new ChromeDriver();

Make sure you added using Drill4Net.Selenium.Drill4NetDriver;.
We propagate sessionId and testId by cookies. To propagate by headers instead of cookies, add sw.js file to your UI project, in a folder dedicated to a web page source files (e.g., wwwroot) and pass true into Patch() method: SeleniumPatcher.Patch(true).

Playwright Tests Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.TestAgent.NUnit or Drill4Net.TestAgent.XUnit in assembly with tests based on test framework used in your assembly with tests.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Playwright in assembly with tests.
  3. Add UseDrill4NetAsync extention method call for Playwright Browser. Example:
var browser = await _playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync().UseDrill4NetAsync();

Make sure you added using Drill4Net.Playwright.Drill4NetBrowser;.

Manual Tests Setup#

Obviously, you do not need to setup any project with tests to run manual tests. All you have to do is install and configure Drill4J Chrome Extension.