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Application Under Test Setup

Supported technologies#

  1. Web API
  2. Azure Functions (Isolated Worker Process)
  3. Azure Service Bus
  4. Kafka
  5. RabbitMQ

Web API Application Under Test Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.Receiver in application under test start up project.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Receiver.WebApi in application under test start up project.
  3. Add the following line in you Startup.Configure method:
  • for .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5, 6, 7 versions
  • for .NET Framework 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 versions

Make sure you added

using Drill4Net.Receiver.WebApi;

Azure Function Under Test Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.Receiver in application under test start up project.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Receiver.AzureFunction in application under test start up project.
  3. Use Drill4NetReceiverAzureFunctionMiddleware middleware. Make sure you added
using Drill4Net.Receiver.AzureFunction;

Azure Service Bus Under Test Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.Receiver in application under test start up project.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Receiver.AzureServiceBus in application under test start up project.
  3. Add call in Startup/Program ServiceBusPatcher.Patch();. Make sure you added
using Drill4Net.Receiver.AzureServiceBus;

Kafka Under Test Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.Receiver in application under test start up project.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Receiver.Kafka in application under test start up project.
  3. Add call in Startup/Program KafkaPatcher.PatchSender<TKey, TValue>(); or KafkaPatcher.PatchReceiver<TKey, TValue>();.
services.AddSingleton(sp => new ProducerBuilder<Null, string>(config).Build());
KafkaPatcher.PatchSender<Null, string>();

Make sure you added using Drill4Net.Receiver.Kafka;.

RabbitMQ Under Test Setup#

  1. Install Drill4Net.Receiver in application under test start up project.
  2. Install Drill4Net.Receiver.RabbitMQ in application under test start up project.
  3. Add call in Startup/Program RabbitMqPatcher.Patch();.

Make sure you added using Drill4Net.Receiver.RabbitMQ;.