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Drill Admin [Backend]0.7.0GitHub, DockerHub
Drill Admin [Frontend]0.7.1GitHub, DockerHub
Test2Code Plugin0.7.0GitHub
Autotest Agent0.16.2GitHub
Java Agent0.7.0GitHub, DockerHub
JavaScript Agent0.2.0-feature-block-coverage.1DockerHub
Agent Runner0.2.3GitHub
JS AST Parser0.3.15-beta.0GitHub, NPM
Browser Proxy0.2.0GitHub, DockerHub
Browser Extension0.3.29.1GitHub

New Features#

  • Agents PreRegistration for increasing application sync speed with the agent
  • Time Savings. It provides visualization of the Test Impact Analysis. You can check how much time Drill4J saves in each build of your application
  • Baseline build contains all project' tests for Test Impact Analysis
  • Sort and Search in "Build/Scope methods" and "Suggested tests" tables
  • Sessions Management pane for starting, finishing and aborting sessions in Drill Admin
  • JavaScript application support
  • Cucumber framework support
  • Scala+Cypress POC


  • New transport for Agent and Drill Admin communication improvement
  • API redesign
  • Extension pop-up and widget were redesigned and manual testing flow was improved
  • UX improvements: "Tests to Run" page, Active Scope block, Tables, Dividing of agents registration by types

Critical Bug Fixes#

  • Out of memory if User finishes active scope with large datasets
  • Not getting coverage when running Autotests on a remote selenium driver
  • Real-time works incorrectly if testing is performed on standalone and microservice apps concurrently
  • Incorrect coverage and tests numbers in parallel testing

Known Issues#

  • Agent/Admin reconnecting deletes the active session
  • If User changes Project Packages or Target host, Finished Scopes are lost in the latest build
  • Tests duration for manual tests is always = 00:00:00
  • Flaky coverage: percentages for the same test may vary in a small range (+/- 5%)
  • To collect manual coverage on a new build of JS agent you need to refresh the page with a cache reset (Ctrl+F5)
  • The "Sessions Management" doesn't work with the JS agent
  • Sometimes not all agents are displayed on the "Service Group: Test2Code" page
  • TestNG v7.4.0 isn't supported
  • Manual Testing Browser Extension: in order to record frontend (JavaScript) coverage it is required to perform all test actions in a single tab. Essentially, one must press "Start Test" and "Finish Test" in the same tab, otherwise, JS coverage will be lost
  • Opening multiple tabs of Drill4J Admin Panel may cause UI update issues. Please, consider using only one tab