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New Features#

  • Microservices support with all features of monolith applications + scope finishing in bulk
  • Agent registration in bulk
  • New native autotest agent
  • User-friendly Gradle/Maven plugins for autotest agent
  • Real-time coverage receiving. experimental
  • New Widget for manual testing
  • .war support
  • Notification pane
  • Logout


  • An agent registration process is divided into 3 steps: general settings, system settings and adding a plugin
  • An agent configuration is divided into 3 tabs
  • Drill4J extension supports Microservice apps

Critical Bug Fixes#

  • Unexpected agent reconnection.
  • Data of agents in a service group is cleared after restart agents
  • Drill plugin topics don't consider agent id
  • Unstable coverage percentage
  • GZIP format exception on apps with drill
  • Wrong Method Count in Package Tree

Known Issues#

  • Real-time works incorrectly if testing is performed on standalone and microservice apps concurrently
  • Performance issues on large datasets