Drill Admin
Using Docker-compose FileStart Drill using the following command and wait a bit:
Using Jar#
Drill Admin BackendGo to artifactory: https://drill4j.jfrog.io/artifactory/drill/com/epam/drill/admin-core/0.7.0
Find the necessary version and download it. You need a file with the name: admin-core-'verison'-all.jar.
E.g. admin-core-0.7.0-all.jar
- Run it:
- Drill Admin Backend is on localhost:8090
Using OpenShiftYo can use the following template for Drill Admin: Drill Admin Example Openshift
Using KubernetesYo can use the following config files for Drill Admin:
Drill Admin UI Deployment
Drill Admin UI Service
Drill Admin Deployment
Drill Admin Service
HTTPS SetupIf your application uses https for access you need to deploy additional ssl-proxy service to Drill admin setup:
For example, full docker-compose file looks like:
Drill Admin is available on https://drillAdminHost:8443
Accept self signed certificate