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API Tests

This page walks you through Drill4J integration for Java-based API tests. It will enable you to use such features as Per Test Coverage and Test Recommendations


  1. This page assumes you have Application Agent configured for application under test. For instructions see:

  2. API tests launched with either Maven or Gradle

Configure Drill4J Plugin#


Add Drill4J CI/CD plugin to your Gradle build file:

plugins {
id("com.epam.drill.integration.cicd") version "0.1.1"

Add general properties to your Gradle build file:

drill {
# example: "http://localhost:8090/api"
drillApiUrl =
# example: my-app
groupId =
# Secure way: set DRILL_API_KEY env variable value
# Unsecure way: paste the API key value here
drillApiKey = "your-drill-api-key-here"
enableTestAgent {
version = "0.23.1"


Add Drill4J CI/CD plugin to your Maven build file:

<!-- example: my-app -->
<groupId> ... </groupId>
<!-- example: "http://localhost:8090/api" -->
<drillApiUrl> ... </drillApiUrl>
<!-- Secure way: set DRILL_API_KEY env variable value -->
<!-- Unsecure way: paste the API key value here -->

Launch Tests#

  1. Launch your tests with Gradle/Maven (e.g. gradle test, mvn test).

    When running tests in your IDE, double-check that it's picking up the correct configuration file with the Drill4J test agent added (that will be build.gradle for Gradle, pom.xml for Maven)

  2. To confirm test agent is working check tests log. There should be Drill4J ASCII logo followed by test agent version:

    Task :test is modified by Drill
    ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _
    | _"\U | _"\ u ___ |"| |"| | ||"| U |"| u
    /| | | |\| |_) |/ |_"_| U | | u U | | u | || |_ _ \| |/
    U| |_| |\| _ < | | \| |/__ \| |/__ |__ _| | |_| |_,-.
    |____/ u|_| \_\ U/| |\u |_____| |_____| /|_|\ \___/-(_/
    |||_ // \\_.-,_|___|_,-.// \\ // \\ u_|||_u _//
    (__)_) (__) (__)\_)-' '-(_/(_")("_)(_")("_) (__)__) (__)
    Autotest Agent (v0.23.1)

That’s it! Open the Metabase UI and confirm that the new test information is coming through. You should see the Test Launches on the Build Summary dashboard.

Disabling test agent for specific task#


If you want to disable Drill4J for specific test task you can set the following:

test {
// general properties of your test task
// ...
drill {
testAgent {
enabled = false
